Friday, 2 December 2011

amino acids

amino acids there is essential and non essential

essential is were you body makes them all ready

and the non essential is were your body does not so you need to get it from foods or supplments

aminos are verygood for muscle repair and increases protien synthesis

Friday, 14 October 2011

the bulk up

Bulking up is what bodybuilderds do in there of season to gain as much muscle mass as possbile to do this you need to eat more calories than your body burns so in turn your muscle has 100 percent growth all the time you need 1 gram of protien per pound of body weight and 1.5 grams of cabrs per pound of bodyweight and 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight you would eat more carbs in the of season over protien and fats and when your cutting youd eat low to none carbs and higher fat and protien protien for muscle and maintain growth and fat to help speed metabolism and help hormones and fat loss

Sunday, 9 October 2011

every one knows

people all think to build good lean muscle you need to use illegal anabolic steroids this how ever is not true. to reach a certain look some bodybuilders will use gear but you don't need it. You can built good size naturally. Bodybuilding from yesterday to today's standards have changed a lot. There bigger than ever and at this rate any worse its going to look 10 times more fake. But in competition its all about whose bigger.

Friday, 7 October 2011

training split

weight training just helps break down muscle fibers inside the muscle

a good type of training routine would be a split routine of 3 day per week


monday back and biceps.

tuseday chest triceps.

wedansday day of.

thursday shoulders legs.

friday of day

saturday of day

sunday chest triceps.

the of day is to repair and rest for muscle repairing to occur so when you return your stronger and bigger than the last session.

bodybuilding is a lifestyle

Bodybuilding is a lifestyle and takes time.

To many people think they will grow over night it just dosn t happen like that :).

It takes time to build good size.

you need to eat more than your body burns per day.

This is a lifestyle so you can injoy life

Cheat days are good because it helps keep you on a diet

Friday, 30 September 2011

Bodybuilding diet past and presant

Bodybuilding came about in the early 1940s. People back then thought it was weird if a man would lift weights. But over the years its became more common in certain countries they have named compitions after some of the famous ifbb pros one of the famous ones is the arnold schwarzenegger classic. in the 1970s is when it took of and people began to understand what it was then they made the MR olympia the biggest compition in the word.

winners of the MR olympia

larry scott 1965 1966

harold poole 1966 1967

arnold shwarzenegger 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1980

these are some of the best iffb probs who have won the mr olympia

to be a bodybuilder?

you need to follow a striect diet plan whitch invloes eating every 2 to 3 hours to keep your metabolism in high gear the foods invole protien carbs fats

protien- building blocks of muscle mass

carbs - supply of energy for the body

fats - helps hormone prodution -

you should follow a good diet and training program to see results


for begginer could be 5 days a week

but for the best resutls would be 3 days a week

because your giving your body more time to recover and the muscle fibers will repair but if you keep training 5 days a week your nervus system wont recover and your firbers will shrink meaning less lean muscle mass gains.